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Vendor: Oracle
Exam Code: 1Z0-151
Exam Name: Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with Oracle Forms
Certification Provider: Oracle
Total Questions: 90 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 14, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.If a display item has a Calculation Mode of Formula, you can call a program unit to perform the calculation.
A. True
B. False
You do not want users to execute queries while in the Order_Items block, so you write the following key-Exeqry trigger for the Order_Items block:
This works fine except that in the Order_Items block, when you click Enter Query first, and then click Execute Query, you get the error message "FRM-41009: Function key not allowed." What can you do correct this?
A. Set the Fire in Enter-Query Mode property of the Key-Exeqry trigger to Yes.
B. Add the following as the first of the key-Exqry trigger to Yes. SYSTEM.mode := 'NORMAL';
C. Delete the Key-Exqry trigger and define the following Key-Entqry trigger for the Order_Items block: GO_BLOCK ('orders'); ENTER_QUERY;
D. Delete the Key-Exqry trigger and define the following Key-Entqry trigger for the Order_Items block: ENTER_QUERY; GO_BLOCK ('orders');
E. Change the key-Exqry trigger to: IF : SYSTEM.MODE := 'ENTER-QUERY' THEN GO_BLOCK ('orders'); EXECUTE_QUERY; ELSE MESSAGE ('you cannot execute a query for the Order_Items block'): END IF; Define the following Key-Entqry trigger for the Order_Items block: GO_BLOCK ('orders'); ENTER_QUERY
F. Change the Key-Exeqry trigger to: IF :SYSTEM.MODE != 'ENTER-QUERY' THEN GO_BLOCK('orders'); EXECUTE_QUERY; ELSE MESSAGE ('You cannot execute a query in this block'); ENTER_QUERY; GO_BLOCK ('orders');
G. You cannot change this behavior, but you should use the On-Message trigger to display a more meaningful message.
There are certain errors that are specific to the Salary item on the Employees form. You want to trap these errors only when the user navigates from the Salary item.
You have a form-level On-Error trigger that traps errors that apply to the form in general, but yon additionally code an item-level On-Error trigger for the Salary item.
When testing the form, you find that the general errors are not trapped when you navigate from the Salary item. What can you do to correct this problem?
A. Call the form level On-Error trigger from the item-level On-Error trigger.
B. Call the item-level On-Error trigger from the form-level On-Error trigger.
C. Change the Execution Hierarchy property for the item-level On-Error trigger.
D. Change the Execution Hierarchy property for the form-level On-Error trigger.
E. Move all the code to a PL/SQL program unit and call it from both the form level and item level On-Error triggers.
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