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Vendor: Alcatel-Lucent
Exam Code: 4A0-103
Exam Name: Alcatel-Lucent Multiprotocol Label Switching
Certification Provider: Alcatel-Lucent
Total Questions: 249 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 18, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.What is the significance of receiving a packet with the bottom MPLS label S bit set to 1?
A. It results in forwarding based on the next packet header.
B. It indicates that the label is the bottom of the MPLS label stack.
C. It indicates that the label is the top of the MPLS label stack.
D. Any LSR that receives an S bit set to 1 must discard the packet.
Which of the following statements regarding LSP path configuration are true? (Choose three)
A. The path must include at least one hop.
B. The path may be used multiple times in a single LSP.
C. The path may comprise loose hop entries only.
D. The path must define the LSP's tail end.
E. The path may be used for multiple LSPs.
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Given the configuration below, which of the following scenarios is FALSE?
A. Both the primary and secondary paths are explicitly defined.
B. The primary path is active and the secondary path is in hot standby.
C. The LSP defined will use the primary path and will signal the secondary path to become active if the primary path fails.
D. The LSP has the same source and destination for both primary and secondary paths.
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