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Vendor: Alcatel-Lucent
Exam Code: 4A0-105
Exam Name: Alcatel-Lucent Virtual Private LAN Services
Certification Provider: Alcatel-Lucent
Total Questions: 156 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 14, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.In Active/Standby pseudowires a failed pseudowire has recovered. Under what circumstances will the active pseudowire revert to the previously failed link?
A. It will always revert to the previously failed link.
B. It will never revert to the previously failed link.
C. It will revert if the precedence of the previously failed link is set to 0 or "primary".
D. It will revert if the precedence of the previously failed link is lower than the currently active link
Click on the exhibit below.
Assuming there is a full mesh of mesh-SDPs between the PEs within each metro network and a spoke-SDP between PE-C of Metro A and PE-B of Metro B. how is traffic forwarded from PE-A in Metro A to PED of Metro B? Select the most accurate statement.
A. An LSP must be configured between PE-A and PE-D for this traffic to be forwarded.
B. A VPLS FDB lookup is done at PE-A of Metro A only
C. An SDP must be configured between PE-A of Metro A and PE-D of Metro D for this traffic to be forwarded
D. A VPLS FDB lookup is done at PE-A and PE-C of Metro A and PE-B of Metro B
An l-VPLS can be associated with many B-VPLS services.
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