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Vendor: Alcatel-Lucent
Exam Code: 4A0-106
Exam Name: Alcatel-Lucent Virtual Private Routed Networks
Certification Provider: Alcatel-Lucent
Total Questions: 208 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 18, 2024
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A Carrier Supporting Carrier (CSC) VPRN is configured on an Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR for a customer carrier offering VPRN services. Which of the following about this configuration is FALSE?
A. In the CSC VPRN, configure an eBGP session between CSC-PE and CSC-CE and use the "advertiselabel vpn-ipv4" CLI command to enable the advertisement of VPN-IPv4 routes.
B. When the customer carrier uses the same autonomous system number in various sites, use the "loopdetect off" CLI command to disable the loop detection functionality on CSC-CE and PE routers.
C. On the CSC-PE routers, use the "carrier-carrier-vpn" CLI command to configure the VPRN service as CSC.
D. Configure an iBGP session between PE1 and PE2 and use the "family vpn-ipv4" CLI command to directly exchange end-customer routes learned from CE1 and CE2.
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A Carrier Supporting Carrier (CSC) VPRN is configured on an Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR for a customer carrier who is an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Which of the following configuration steps is NOT required?
A. Configuring labeled eBGP sessions between CSC-CE and CSC-PE routers.
B. Configuring a policy on each CSC-CE to advertise local PE addresses to the network provider.
C. Configuring labeled iBGP sessions between PEs residing in different customer carrier sites.
D. Advertising the received system addresses of remote PEs using either iBGP or IGP/LDP within each customer carrier site.
Based on the VPRN BGP decision process, which of the following routes is selected first?
A. The route with the shortest AS path.
B. The route with the lowest route or tunnel table cost to the NEXT_HOP.
C. The route with the highest local preference.
D. The route with the lowest originator ID or BGP identifier.
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