Project 1 of 7: Tailspin Toys Overview
You recently opened an online toy store. You have sold products to 500 individual customers. You are evaluating customer data and order data.
On the “Customers” worksheet, format the table so that every other row is shaded. Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting if you insert a new row.
Project 1 of 7: Tailspin Toys
You recently opened an online toy store. You have sold products to 500 individual customers. You are evaluating customer data and order data.
On the “Customers” worksheet, enter a formula in cell N2 that uses an Excel function to return the average age of the customers based on the values in the “CurrentAge” column.
Project 1 of 7: Tailspin Toys Overview
You recently opened an online toy store. You have sold products to 500 individual customers. You are evaluating customer data and order data.
On the “Orders” worksheet, use an automatic formatting method to format cells in the “OrderTotal” column that contain above-average values by applying Green Fill with Dark Green Text. Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting if the column values change.
Project 2 of 7: Donor List Overview
You are an executive assistant for a non-profit organization named Bellows College. You are updating a workbook containing lists of donors.
Add a new worksheet named “$1,000 Donors” to the workbook.
Project 2 of 7: Donor List Overview
You are an executive assistant for a non-profit organization named Bellows College. You are updating a workbook containing lists of donors.
On the “$5,000 Donors” worksheet, hyperlink cell C3 to the email address “[email protected]”.
Project 3 of 7: Tree Inventory Overview
You are updating the inventory worksheet for a local tree farm.
Configure the worksheet so that row 9 and the WordArt remain visible as you scroll vertically.
Project 5 of 7: City Sports
The city events manager wants to analyze the enrollment changes over the past five years for various adult and youth sports programs. You have been tasked to prepare tables for the analysis.
On the “Youth Program” worksheet, create a table from the cell range A9:G19. Include row 9 as headers.
Project 5 of 7: City Sports Overview
The city events manager wants to analyze the enrollment changes over the past five years for various adult and youth sports programs. You have been tasked to prepare tables for the analysis.
Add the Alternative Text Title “Adult Enrollment” to the “Adult_Program” table.
Project 6 of 7: Bike Tours Overview
You are the owner of a small bicycle tour company summarizing trail rides that have been booked for the next six months.
On the “Summer Bookings” worksheet, remove the table functionality from the table. Retain the cell formatting and location of the data.
Project 7 of 7: Farmers Market
You are the Director of a local farmers’ market. You are creating and modifying charts for a report which shows the amounts and variety of products sold during the season.
On the “Summer Sales” worksheet, add the “Total” data series to the “Top Sellers” column chart. Include the total only for “Fruits”, “Vegetables”, and “Jams and Honey”.