Create a Search Folder named ''Priority 1'' that displays messages that are marked as high importance and have at least one attachment.
Use advanced Find to locate a message that contains the phrase ''Model 18' in the message body and has confidential sensitivity. Delete the message. Close the Advance Find dialog box.
In the Tasks folder, locate the ''Write the Review Report'' task. Assign the task to ''Kim Ralls'' Set the status to Waiting on someone else. Do not keep updated copy of the task on your task list. Send the task.
Send a message to the ''Customer Service'' contact group that has the subject ''Company starts'' and voting buttons labeled ''Small ''Medium'' and Large''.
In the Drafts folder, open the ''New Organizational Chart" message. Change the Sensitivity to confidential. Send the message.
In the Drafts folder, open the ''Orientation'' message. Configure the message options to direct replies to ''Andy Teal''. Send the message.
Sort the messages in the inbox by importance with high importance at the top and low importance at the bottom. Within each importance level, sort the messages by the date received with the most recent message shown first.
Configure the work week to include working hours from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Set the first day of the week to Tuesday.
Import the contacts from the PersonalContacts.csv located in the Documents folder into the Contacts folder.