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Want to pass your IBM C2070-993 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: IBM
Exam Code: C2070-993
Exam Name: IBM Case Manager V5.2.1 Solution Designer
Certification Provider: IBM
Total Questions: 60 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 13, 2024
Exam retiredIn addition to case type, properties, document types, and tasks, what are the components of a Solution in Case Builder?
A. Roles, inbaskets, and pages.
B. Roles, task steps, and inbaskets.
C. Task steps, roles, inbaskets, and rules.
D. Task steps, roles, inbaskets, application spaces, and forms.
How is a case instance represented in Content Engine?
A. A folder object filed in a case type folder.
B. A custom object filed in a case type folder.
C. A folder object filed by year, month, date, and time.
D. A custom object filed by year, month, date, and time.
Which tool is used to map security policies from the development environment to the production environment?
A. Case Manager Builder
B. FileNet Enterprise Manager
C. FileNet Deployment Manager
D. Case Manager Administration Client
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