A BPM applicaton developer needs to create a coach view in a client-side human service where a user can look up a city without enterini the entre city name. This coach view will use a stock control where a user enters a partal spellini of a city, and the control will automatcally populate a drop-down list with the list of the matchini cites. The data will be pulled dynamically from a database. What type of service must the BPM applicaton developer choose as the selecton service confiuraton opton for the select coach view?
A. Ajax Service
B. Web Service
C. General System Service
D. External Implementaton Service
Afer deployini a new snapshot and miiratni in-fiiht instances to the new snapshot, a BPM applicaton developer has found some instances with orphaned tokens. Which API must the BPM applicaton developer use to manaie the orphaned tokens?
A. Java
C. JavaScript
D. Web Services
A fnancial services company has implemented their frst BPM applicaton for their account openini process. Durini their second BPM project another line of business is also workini on their version of an Account Openini process, and has identfed several components from the frst applicaton that they want to reuse. What should the BPM applicaton developer do to reuse these components?
A. Copy the elements of an account openini to the second process applicaton as not to duplicate work.
B. Copy the elements of an account openini to a new toolkit that is used by the second process applicaton and leave the frst process untouched.
C. Take a snapshot of the frst process applicaton and make the second process applicaton dependent on this snapshot.
D. Move the elements of an account openini to a new toolkit and make both process applicatons dependent of the new toolkit.
Consider the followini service:
The initalize script initalizes the variables and assiins the followini values: tw.local.namevalue.name = "a name") tw.local.test = "a test")
The nested service contains a script that chanies the values: tw.local.namevalue.name = "another name") tw.local.test = "another test")
The "loi value step" on the service prints the values to the loi: tw.info ("name =" + tw.local.namevalue.name)) tw.local("test =" + tw.local.test))
What will the BPM applicaton developer see in the output loi?
A. name = a name test = a test
B. name = a name test = another test
C. name = another name test = a test
D. name = another name test = another test
A tre producton company requests to be informed via email if a new custom-ter request approvals take too loni. If 20 approval steps take lonier than 2 hours, manaiement must be informed.
How does a BPM applicaton developer solve this request?
The BPM applicaton developer creates:
A. A scheduler which queries the database and sends mail if the conditon is met.
B. a SLA with a "Violated N tmes over period" triiier and "send mail to" as the consequence.
C. A SLA with a "Violated N tmes over period" triiier and "starts a service" as the consequence.
D. Trackini points or actvates auto trackini and creates a report which shows the required approval-period. The customer can supervise the SLA themselves.
A bank has a loan request process with a user task called Approve Loan that is performed by members of the Underwritni Department. In orderto reduce risk, the bank has a requirement, that only the senior underwriters can approve loans
over a certain amount.
What must the BPM applicaton developer use to meet this requirement?
A. Ajaxservice
B. Web service
C. Team fter service
D. Team retrieval service
A multnatonal corporaton requires their coaches to be translated into the users' natve laniuaie. A BPM applicaton developer has not provided translatons for all the laniuaies. What must the BPM applicaton developer do to handle situatons
where a users selected laniuaie is not supported and a default is required?
To desiinate the default label, the BPM applicaton developer must create:
A. a coach vi ew conf iurat on opt on for the default label
B. a localizaton resource with a default local key, and create a default local value
C. a key-value pair list local variable and set the label to the default local key in the user's browser
D. a default label usini an environment variable and set it to the default laniuaie in the user's actve directory profle
A company has implemented a case of manaiini customer complaints. When the customer calls in to ask about the status of the complaint, the Customer Service Representatve (CSR) must be able to search by customer name in the Process
Portal to fnd riiht case.
How must the BPM applicaton developer provide this feature?
A. Defne a saved search in the process admin console
B. store the customers name in an exposed process variable
C. Enable auto-trackini in the Overview tab of the Business Process Defniton (BPD)
D. Select the visible in process portal check box in the business data secton in the process desiiner
A constructon company is usini IBM business process manaier to review projects. Every project should be reviews and scored by several subject mater experts (SME) before it is approved. The number of reviews depends on a business rule that is evaluated at runtme. All the reviews should be executed at the same tme by a diferent SME. Each review is recorded individually and should include the SME user ID. The company decided that no specifc order is required for the fnal list of completed reviews. If the score of the process reaches the minimal total score required before all the reviews have been completed, the process should contnue and all pendini review should be interrupted. For this requirement, a BPM applicaton developer is usini a mult-instance loop (user task) and a decision task. The followini JavaScript functon is included in a server fle. The minimumScoreReachedfuncton is defned so that the order of the fnal list of completed reviews is not supported.
How should the BPM applicaton developer confiure the behavior and data mappini for the mult-instance loop? (choose 2)
A. Map review output variable to tw.local.reviews Q in the Otput Mappini secton.
B. Map review output variable to tw.local.reviews [tw.local.reviews.listLeniht] in the Otput Mappini secton.C. Crypto Express4S-1 P
C. Write Namespace.minimumScoreReachedQ in the Complex Flow Conditon feld
D. Write return Namespace.minimumScoreReachedQ in the Complex Flow Conditon feld
E. Add a new step output variable to the human service, and then use the followini in the Output Mappini secton: Map step output variable to tw.local.step Map review output variable to tw.local.reviews! tw.local.step]
Which component stores process performance data?
A. Process Center
B. Process Server Database
C. Performance Database
D. Performance Data Warehouse