How does an end user determine what consumables they have consumed?
A. Navigate to Self-Service > My Consumables
B. Navigate to Self-Service > My Assets
C. Navigate to Asset > Hardware Asset Dashboard
D. Navigate to Self-Service > My Hardware Asset Dashboard
What are the four tiers of Capability Blueprint?
A. Trustworthy Data, Lifecycle Management, Process Integration, Strategic Conformance
B. Trustworthy Data, Practical Management, Process Integration, Business Alignment
C. Trustworthy Data, Practical Management, Operational Integration, Strategic Conformance
D. Trustworthy Data, Lifecycle Management, Operational integration, Business Alignment
Which catalog facilitates the ability to source from existing stock?
A. Procurement Catalog
B. Vendor Catalog
C. Service Catalog
D. Product Catalog
What field must an agent complete when resolving an incident in order for the HAM asset tasks to automatically update all configuration item (CI) and asset records associated to the Incident?
A. Asset and CI Action
B. Asset-CI Task Action
C. Asset Task Action
D. Asset Action
What is the difference between ITAM personas and ITAM Roles? (Choose four.)
A. A user may have multiple roles, but a single persona
B. Roles control access to features in the product
C. Personas represent types of users of the product
D. Personas control access to features in the product
E. Roles represent types of users of the product
F. A user may have multiple roles and personas
A scheduled job runs nightly to determine if any rate cards need to be applied to generate expense lines. What is the name of the scheduled job?
A. Process CM Costs
B. Process Rate Cards
C. Process FM Costs
D. Process Expense Lines
Hamm is a member of the Asset Managers group which has the ham_admin role assigned to it. Based on this role alone, which of the following operations can Hamm perform? (Choose four.)
A. Revert normalization results
B. Create and delete asset records
C. Create purchase orders
D. Create flows
E. Import assets
F. Add Service Catalog entries
What must exist before a consumable can be consumed? (Choose three.)
A. A stock order record
B. A model record
C. A transfer order record
D. A model category record
E. A consumable record
What information would you find on the Inventory tab of the Hardware Asset dashboard? (Choose three.)
A. New hardware assets found by audits
B. Hardware models up for end of life
C. Hardware nearing end of warranty
D. Active stock rules
E. Open asset audits
F. Requests that require sourcing
When disposing of an IT asset through a vendor, what documentation should be attached to the retired asset's record as proof of adherence to environmental, regulatory, and legal requirements?
A. Certificate of discharge
B. Certificate of decommission
C. Certificate of destruction
D. Certificate of disposal
E. Certificate of retirement