When setting-up a program, planned ROI% is calculated based on: (Choose two.)
A. Values in the NPV field.
B. Values in the Planned cost field.
C. Values in the Planned return field.
D. Values in the Budgeted cost field.
An it_pps_admin user is able to update: (Choose two.)
A. Budget Periods.
B. Client Scripts.
C. Business Rules.
D. Portfolio Targets.
In order for a business unit to have its own Idea Portal to retrieve data, what must be configured first?
A. A business unit cannot have its own its own Idea Portal
B. Idea Portal URL
C. Idea categories
D. Idea module
At a minimum, which role is required to view the summary of a project in the Details tab of Project Workspace?
A. it_project_manager
B. itil
C. it_project_user
D. it_portfolio_manager
A pps_admin role can configure the parameters that are displayed on a project card. The parameters displayed on a project card are derived from the records in what table?
A. CMDB Health Scorecard [cmdb_health_scorecard_group].
B. PM Home Page Card [pm_home_page_card].
C. Project Time Card Exception [project_time_category].
D. Theme [scrum_theme].
The RIDAC workflow can be modified by using which feature?
A. Project Form
B. Service Catalog
C. Idea Portal
D. Flow Designer
How many WBS levels can be shown on the planning console?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. No Limit.
A user's availability is calculated as:
A. Allocated time
B. Capacity minus allocation
C. Allocated hours divided by the total capacity
D. Sum of allocated and confirmed hours, divided by the total capacity
Which property controls the changes in cost and resource plans with respect to the change in the start date of a demand or project?
A. `Change Resource Plan, Cost Plan and Benefit Plan Start Date with Demand or Project Start Date Change'.
B. `Enable altering of planned date for task in WIP/Closed'.
C. `Rollup project start date from tasks'.
D. `Calculate ROI percentage based on a project's estimated cost and its net value'.
As an it_pps_admin, what can you use to detect corrupt data in a project, such as tasks with invalid parents or cyclic relations in a project?
A. Project Diagnostics.
B. System Diagnostics.
C. Edge Encryption Diagnostics.
D. Analytics Diagnostics.