Relationships among security technologies are BEST defined through which of the following?
A. Security metrics
B. Network topology
C. Security architecture
D. Process improvement models
A risk management program will be MOST effective when:
A. risk appetite is sustained for a long period
B. risk assessments are repeated periodically
C. risk assessments are conducted by a third party
D. business units are involved in risk assessments
The MOST effective way to ensure that outsourced service providers comply with the organization's information security policy would be:
A. service level monitoring.
B. penetration testing.
C. periodically auditing.
D. security awareness training.
What is the MOST effective access control method to prevent users from sharing files with unauthorized users?
A. Mandatory
B. Discretionary
C. Walled garden
D. Role-based
The PRIMARY purpose for continuous monitoring of security controls is to ensure:
A. system availability.
B. control gaps are minimized.
C. effectiveness of controls.
D. alignment with compliance requirements.
Which of the following is the BEST indication of a mature information security program?
A. Security incidents are managed properly.
B. Security spending is below budget.
C. Security resources are optimized.
D. Security audit findings are reduced.
Following a breach where the risk has been isolated and forensic processes have been performed, which of the following should be done NEXT?
A. Place the web server in quarantine.
B. Rebuild the server from the last verified backup.
C. Shut down the server in an organized manner.
D. Rebuild the server with relevant patches from the original media.
Which of the following should have the MOST influence on an organization's response to a new industry regulation?
A. The organization's control objectives
B. The organization's risk management framework
C. The organization's risk appetite
D. The organization's risk control baselines
Implementing the principle of least privilege PRIMARILY requires the identification of:
A. job duties
B. data owners
C. primary risk factors.
D. authentication controls
Which of the following has the MOST influence on the inherent risk of an information asset?
A. Risk tolerance
B. Net present value (NPV)
C. Return on investment (ROI)
D. Business criticality