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Want to pass your EMC E20-007 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: EMC
Exam Code: E20-007
Exam Name: Data Science and Big Data Analytics
Certification Provider: EMC
Total Questions: 198 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 16, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.When creating a presentation for a technical audience, what is the main objective?
A. Show that you met the project goals
B. Show how you met the project goals
C. Show if the model will meet the SLA
D. Show the technique to be used in the production environment
In which lifecycle stage are test and training data sets created?
A. Model building
B. Model planning
C. Discovery
D. Data preparation
You are performing a marketing analysis on baskets using the Apriori algorithm. Which measure is a ratio that describes how many more times two items are present together than would be expected if those two items are statistically independent?
A. Lift
B. Leverage
C. Support
D. Confidence
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