Which graph structure would best model the relationship between job seekers and employers?
A. Bipartite
B. Weighted
C. Directed acyclic
D. Ranked
How does Latent Dinchlet Allocation (LDA) interpret a document?
A. As a single-predefined topic
B. As a mixture of pre-defined topics
C. As having a mixture of sentiments
D. As having a single pre-defined sentiment
What runs more efficiently because of Apache Tez?
A. Pig and Hive
B. Hive and HBase
C. Yarn and Spark
D. All MapReduce jobs
In a social network, what does it mean for a node to have a high degree but low betweenness?
A. The node is adjacent to a few nodes, each of each has high Page Ranks.
B. The node has the only edge connecting its community to the rest of the graph.
C. The node can be easily bypassed by communications taking other shorter paths.
D. The node acts as the hub of the graph.
What is the maximum number of edges in an undirected graph of 10 nodes?
A. 45
B. 90
C. 100
D. 9
You develop a Python script "logisticpy" to evaluate the logistic function denoted as f(y) for a given value y that includes the following Pig code:
Register 'logistic.py' using jython as udf;
z = FOREACH y GENERATE $0, udf.logistic ($0);
What is the expected output when the Pig code is executed?
A. 0
B. Jython is not a supported language
C. Value of f(y) for ally
D. Tuples (y, f(y))
What do lemmatization and stemming have in common?
A. Use WordNet
B. Remove common words in a natural language
C. Reduce the high dimensionality in text
D. Use a set of heuristics
What does YARN provide over and above MapReduce?
A. Separate cluster and resource management
B. Parallelized processing
C. Serialized processing
D. Access to HDFS data
An edge has an embeddedness of 0. What is the edge most likely to be?
A. Part of regular lattice
B. Weak tie
C. Part of a clique
D. Strong tie
If two of the communities are re-designated to be one community, how does that change the network characteristics?
Refer to the exhibit.
A. Neighborhood overlap would increase
B. Network diameter would decrease
C. Modularity would increase
D. Modularity would decrease