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Want to pass your EMC E20-326 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: EMC
Exam Code: E20-326
Exam Name: Symmetrix Solutions Design Exam for Technology Architects Exam
Certification Provider: EMC
Total Questions: 235 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 19, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.What can be used to monitor free space in a thin pool on a Symmetrix VMAX?
A. The Control Center Host Agent.
B. The Replication Manager IRCCD daemon.
C. Tier Advisor.
D. The event daemon storeventd.
You are designing a Symmetrix VMAX SRDF/S over Fibre Channel solution. The production and remote data centers are 50 kilometers apart. What is the expected write response time delay due to latency?
A. 0.5 ms
B. 0.25 ms
C. 1 ms
D. 2 ms
What is the effect of block size on response times in an SRDF/S environment?
A. Larger block size applications experience higher response times
B. Smaller block size applications experience higher response times
C. Larger block size applications have the same response times as smaller block size applications
D. Block size has no effect on response times
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