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Want to pass your EMC E20-370 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: EMC
Exam Code: E20-370
Exam Name: Networked Storage - CAS Implementation
Certification Provider: EMC
Total Questions: 134 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 19, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.You have installed the c2c utility and connected to the node running the command center. How is the smtp server configured?
A. setconfig email_host
B. setconfig mail_host
C. setconfig smtp_host
D. updateconfig smtp_host
A customer has an EMC Centera located on network A and an application server located on network B, with the two networks connected via the Internet. Which feature should be enabled to allow communication from the application server located outside of the local private network?
A file, with a 7-year retention, is written into an application pool on a cluster that has the CE+ compliance license enabled.
After its retention has expired, can that file be deleted?
A. No, EMC Centera is a WORM device due to the license
B. No, retention on any pool is overwritten due to the compliance license
C. Yes, as long as the data is written with the emcservice profile
D. Yes, once the retention value in the clip has expired the object can be deleted
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