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Want to pass your F5 F50-536 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: F5
Exam Code: F50-536
Exam Name: BIG-IP ASM v10.x
Certification Provider: F5
Total Questions: 50 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 16, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.Flow login allows for more granular protection of login and logout URLs within web applications. Which of the following are components of flow login? (Choose 3)
A. Schema
B. Login URLs
C. Login pages
D. Attack signatures
E. Access validation
Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding protection of web services? (Choose 2)
A. The BIG-IP ASM System checks to ensure web services use cookies.
B. The BIG-IP ASM System parses XML requests and XML responses.
C. The BIG-IP ASM System checks to ensure XML documents are well formed.
D. The BIG-IP ASM System uses attack signatures to enforce negative security logic.
E. The BIG-IP ASM System checks for XML syntax, schema validation, and WSDL validation.
Which of the following is correct concerning HTTP classes?
A. A single web application can be used by several HTTP classes
B. A virtual server can only have one web application associated with it
C. A single ASM enabled HTTP class can be used by multiple virtual servers
D. Each ASM enabled HTTP class can have several active security policies associated with it
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