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Vendor: Fortinet
Exam Code: FCNSP.V5
Exam Name: Fortinet Certified Network Security Professional (FCNSP.v5)
Certification Provider: Fortinet
Total Questions: 120 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 17, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.Review the IPsec diagnostics output of the command diag vpn tunnel list shown in the Exhibit.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding this output? (Select one answer).
A. One tunnel is rekeying
B. Two tunnels are rekeying
C. Two tunnels are up
D. One tunnel is up
Examine the Exhibit shown below; then answer the question following it.
The Vancouver FortiGate unit initially had the following information in its routing table:
S [10/0] via, port2 C is directly connected, port2 C is directly connected, port1
Afterwards, the following static route was added:
config router static edit 6 set dst set pririoty 0 set device port1 set gateway next end
Since this change, the new static route is NOT showing up in the routing table. Given the information provided, which of the following describes the cause of this problem?
A. The subnet is overlapped with the subnet of one static route that is already in the routing table (, so, we need to enable allow-subnet-overlap first.
B. The 'gateway' IP address is NOT in the same subnet as the IP address of port1.
C. The priority is 0, which means that the route will remain inactive.
D. The static route configuration is missing the distance setting.
Which of the following represents the method used on a FortiGate unit running FortiOS version 4.2 to apply traffic shaping to P2P traffic, such as BitTorrent?
A. Apply a Traffic Shaper to a BitTorrent entry in an Application Control List.
B. Enable the Shape option in a Firewall policy with a Service set to BitTorrent.
C. Define a DLP Rule to match against BitTorrent traffic and include the rule in a DLP Sensor with Traffic Shaping enabled.
D. Specify the amount of Rate Limiting to be applied to BitTorrent traffic through the P2P settings of the Firewall Policy Protocol Options.
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