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Want to pass your Huawei H31-124_V2.0 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: Huawei
Exam Code: H31-124_V2.0
Exam Name: HCIP Carrier IP V2.0
Certification Provider: Huawei
Total Questions: 60 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 16, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.Which of the following statements is correct regarding virtual router?
A. If multiple routers are configured with the same virtual router ID.they all associate to the same virtual router.
B. If multiple routers associate to the same virtual router, they must be configured with the same virtual router ID and at feast one virtual IP address.
C. If multiple routers associate to the same virtual router, they must be configured with the same virtual router ID and virtual IP address.
D. If multiple routers are configured with the same virtual IP address, they all associate to the same virtual
After the server receives the PADR sent by the client, which message will be sent as the response and to identify the connection?
Which of the following cannot be used to classify IP packets?
A. VIAN Priority
C. Protocol type
D. Port number
E. Packet precedence
F. Outbound Interface
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