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Want to pass your Huawei H31-321 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: Huawei
Exam Code: H31-321
Exam Name: Huawei Certified Network Professional-MSTP Transmission
Certification Provider: Huawei
Total Questions: 140 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 16, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.Which of the following indicates a negative AU pointer justification?
A. Three bytes after H3
B. Three H3 bytes of AU-FTR
C. Three bytes before H3
D. None of the above
Which of the following functions, when enabled, allows the transmitting laser of an optical port to be automatically shut down when the IN port fails to receive signals?
What are the procedures of handling discrete services on the NMS?
A. Check the consistency between NMS data and NE data.
B. Check the consistency between the fiber connections created on the NE and physical fiber connections.
C. Search for protection subnets, and ensure that all protection subnets are searched out and properly configured.
D. After discrete services are searched out, the NMS analyzes the discrete services based on the displayed causes and solutions.
E. After discrete services are searched out, delete the discrete services on the NMS.
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