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Want to pass your Juniper JN0-682 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: Juniper
Exam Code: JN0-682
Exam Name: Data Center Professional (JNCIP-DC)
Certification Provider: Juniper
Total Questions: 130 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 16, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.Which EVPN router type prevents BUM traffic from looping back to a multihued host?
A. Ethernet segment router
B. IP prefix route
C. Ether auto discovery route
D. Inclusive multicast-Ethernet tag route
You are asked to deploy 20 QFX Series devices using ZTP Each QFX5 100 requires FTP server. In this scenario, which two component must you configure on the DHCP Server? (Choose two.)
A. The MAC address of the FTP server
B. The IP address of the FTP server
C. The MAC address of each QFX5100
D. The MAC address of each FTP QFX5100
You are configuring a DCI VPN solution between sites that require an L3VPN to work with your EVPN deployment. Your organization's policy restricts configuring RSVP and LDP on your WAN links. While configuring the solution, you notice that no routes exist in the inet table. In this scenario, which parameter will solve this problem?
A. bgp family inet labeled-unicast per-group-label
B. bgp family inet labeled-unicast aggregate-label
C. bgp family inet labeled-unicast resolve-vpn
D. bgp family evpn signaling
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