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Want to pass your Huawei H12-891 exam in the very first attempt? Try Exam2pass! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Vendor: Huawei
Exam Code: H12-891
Exam Name: HCIE-Datacom V1.0
Certification Provider: Huawei
Total Questions: 610 Q&A
Updated on: Dec 18, 2024
Note: Product instant download. Please sign in and click My account to download your product.The following statement about the security alliance SA in IPSec is incorrect
A. SA is uniquely identified by a triple that includes the security parametric reference SPI (Security Parameter Inder), the source IP address, and the security protocol number (AH or ESP)
B. Use the display ipsec command to view the encryption algorithm used with another IPSec peer, the traffic of interest, and so on.
C. IPSec only supports encrypting data using symmetric encryption algorithms.
D. A two-way SA must exist between IPSec peers to establish an IPSec VPN connection
The RSTP protocol provides a variety of protection functions, such as when the edge port is configured as a protection state, the edge port receives the BPDU packet processing method;
A. Directly discard the BPDU packet
B. Close the port
C. After parsing the BPDU message, the relevant information is obtained
D. Forward BPDU packets as required
Regarding the WRR (Weight Round Robin) description of the error is ?( Multiple select).
A. WRR avoids congestion in the network
B. WRR guarantees that various queues are allocated to a certain amount of bandwidth
C. WRR is a congestion management technique
D. WRR can no longer use
E. WRR on GE interfaces to ensure that critical services are prioritized for
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